Earth Day (Self) Check-In
Summary: My personal 'lifestyle list' for a cooler planet (a.k.a. low footprint living) ...
Since we’re living in what could be called the ‘Age of Climate Crisis’, this outdated Jurassic notion ‘Earth Day’ as awareness must evolve … past the hashtag and green marketing opportunities, to putting that awareness into practice. And since our daily habits (365 days of the year) are a reflection of how we treat mama earth, I’m taking today to share my personal ‘lifestyle list’ for a cooler planet. This list is tailored towards actions that people can internalize in their daily lives … that are enriching and also don’t take a lot of extra time.
It’s About Checking In With How We Check Out
In our so-called developed world, we’re caught in what seems like an endless cycle of working, buying, using, and throwing stuff away. So one of the most effective means for the average person to have agency and create change in society is through their lifestyle decisions and consuming habits; i.e. what they buy, companies they support, and all the ‘boring’ things they do each and every day. (Not through direct tree-planting and tree-bathing, although this can cultivate the right mindset).
Effective actions need results on a global scale! So if people have the time and resources to make good shopping decisions that are a better reflection of their personal values, they can effectively be helping other people and the planet. This is the evolution of consumerism and it still taps into the dopamine of shopping! Checking in on what we’re checking out.
Plus Reducing Our Carbon Footprint
Reducing the footprint is about limiting our reliance on fossil fuel emissions. Of course, reassessing one’s values and committing to new routines that challenge old habits is tough … and emotional. Plus, not everyone is so lucky as to be able to drop everything else and do what they love for a living or change where they shop, but we can all do some-thing and we all have a responsibility.
This year, Earth Day is about me checking in with myself; stopping to ask myself seriously, “Am I living in a way that helps heal the planet and makes me feel proud?” … Followed by some serious analysis that starts with a good old fashion list.
Personal ‘Lifestyle List’ for a Cooler Planet
The following is a list of things I commit to 365 days of the year with the planet in mind. This list has come to shape my identity throughout years of striving to be a more conscious human with a lower environmental footprint … I hope it inspires you.
(Keep in mind that this is not an exhaustive list, so it doesn’t include obvious things like, ‘drive an electric car’, and ‘turn the lights off when not using’, etc. … It’s more of an ‘evolved’ personal list that includes some broad strokes and some subtleties).
1. Be Aware & Contribute to Community
- Practise awareness daily … this takes a lot of discipline!
- Engage in daily yoga or exercise. (Helps with the above, plus overall health … Even if it’s just 10 minutes of light stretching a day; and I’d like to recommend Yoga with Adriene because she changed my life for good!)
- Contribute to and be active in community (i.e. Engage people in conversation, learn about other cultures, find ways to improve community and environment, etc).
- Learn about where foods and common goods come from.
- Learn about world issues and vote in good leaders.
- Read books.
2. Coffee! Buy Less & Better Quality
- Drink good coffee, brew own coffee, and use a low footprint coffee brewer made of natural materials.
- Invest in goods that last a lifetime; To be redundant, things that don’t ever need replacing.
- Buy second-hand whenever possible … And always repair things with cool patches 🙂
- Buy from companies and supply chains that are actively working to fix things.
- Buy natural products (free of toxins).
- Buy fresh, organic, and local fruits and veggies whenever possible … From farmers’ markets when possible.
3. Reduce Animal Consumption
- Eat more pulses (i.e. beans, peas, chickpeas, legumes; because they are nitrogen-fixing, vegetarian, and feed a household for days).
- Bake bread. (Requires just 3-4 simple ingredients and fills one up right).
- Eat 1-2 meat-free meals each day.
- No seafood unless self-caught. (Our oceans are no longer capable of sustaining fish stocks).
4. Reduce Plastic Everywhere … And Waste in General
- Don’t eat off of plastic, don’t drink from plastic.
- No vegetables wrapped in plastic. (They can’t breath and we lose the amazing use of our senses).
- No unnecessary plastic packaging. (Applies to all products; If only plastic packaging available, look for an alternative).
- Avoid all food waste.
- Practise food preservation. (Fermenting, freezing, canning, pickling … helps avoid food waste).
5. Reduce Emissions
- Burn less non-renewable fuels and limit air travel.
- Be an eco-tourist (e.g. support hotels and destinations that have strong environmental policies).
- Invest dollars and time in things that reflect personal values.
- Learn to make educated carbon footprint (emissions) reduction targets & hit them.
What are some things you do in your daily life that help mend the Earth, whether directly or indirectly?