Global Coffee Solution
Our Coffee Habit Can Grow Forests
Global Coffee Solution is the world’s most sustainable coffee program! This project reduces coffee’s carbon footprint to the minimum, and partners with farmers to regrow forests on a mass scale in order to mitigate climate change.
- Based on over two decades of science
- Endorsed by Dr. Jane Goodall
- Supporter of the Yoro Biological Corridor, Honduras
(A biodiverse forest corridor)
For more info, visit
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My Global Coffee Solution Updates
- Global Coffee Report CoverageThe Global Coffee Solution partners and I are beginning to drive worldwide awareness for this sustainable coffee program. This week, our Integrated Open Canopy growing method was featured in multiple print and online newspapers, spearheaded by the support of Dr. Jane Goodall and Bewley’s Coffee & Tea. This includes today’s coverage in Global Coffee Report!
- Exciting News Featuring A Very Special PersonToday I’m thrilled to share that the amazing Dr. Jane Goodall, PhD, DBE, Founder – Jane Goodall Institute & UN Messenger of Peace is actively helping bring global awareness to our sustainable coffee program, Global Coffee Solution.
- Sustainable Coffee Project Update #2As coffee production continues to threaten Earth’s remaining high elevation forests, 2023 is proving to be an exciting year for our sustainable coffee program (now called, Global Coffee Solution). This year we have boots on the ground and planes in the sky!
- Coffee & Forest Project, Eh?Coffee has a major carbon footprint that centers around deforestation. Coffee farms are replacing forests and it’s been widely published that coffee production would need to triple by 2050 to keep up with the growing demand. Enter: Integrated Open Canopy Coffee Farming
- Sustainable Coffee Project Update #1This is my very first personal update as part of the development team for a sustainable coffee program. The project (now called, Global Coffee Solution) includes the creation of the Yoro Biological Corridor. What makes it truly special is the end goal: to protect, regrow and link up threatened forests in cooperation with smallholder coffee farmers.
- My Job as a Video GameSometimes my job feels rather epic. So much so, that I was inspired to take some of our research and turn the data into a quest! Coffee and the Wild is a new, imagined video game about saving forests using sustainable coffee production. And it contains a few subtle nods to the disgustingly popular video game I love to play, Breath of the Wild.
- Pitch for Sustainable CoffeeSummary: My personal experience pitching a sustainable coffee program to corporations & major funding groups in today’s climate. For starters, pitching sustainability is a double-edged sword.